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Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Teaching is a very noble profession. Various professions and experts in the world are taught byteachers. They do not only teach knowledge they master, but teachers also teach various things onhow to address this life, which is not only life in the world, but also life in the Hereafter.Moreover, teachers do not only teach how to master certain knowledge, but they also teach howthe acquired knowledge can be beneficial, not just for themselves, but for other people even forthe universe.Therefore, teachers are not only required to master a particular subject, but they alsohave  to master and understand everything about human beings, such as characters, social,psychology, human relationships, wishes and wishes.Teachers have to be able to provide so muchtime even if they can take extra time from their available time. Besides having to prepare to teachand deliver lessons in the classroom, teachers are also required to think about how to organizeand condition their pre-teaching classes, in which the classes consist of a group of people withdifferent cultural backgrounds, economy, family conditions, characters and attitude, emotion,psychology, and so on. Teachers do not only focus on teaching one student, but they also have tothink of tens, hundreds and maybe thousands of diverse and heterogenous students.Nevertheless,a phenomenon that has happened lately is that many teachers who become victims of violenceeither from the sidewa or oaring old students. The handling of students who teachers mayunderstand correctly how to handle the students’ characters, nature and extent of offensescommitted by the students, is sometimes regarded as a cruelty and a lack of merit. There may besome unscrupulous teachers who are unable to maintain and condition their emotion whendealing with students, but we do not then generalize any problem of handling students in whichthe element of assertiveness is considered violent.Although teachers have tried their best toeducate and nurture their students to become human beings who have good characters, pleasenote that these students come from different and diverse backgrounds that make up differentcharacters. Teachers should be able to cultivate the spirit of learning and teaching a good moral tostudents born from families living in harsh environments, slums, minimal educationalenvironment. In fact, not a few students who live in a 2m x 2m house inhabited by 5-6 people ofa family, they have to live their lives in the house, cooking, sleeping, washing all done in thatplace. Even in order to sleep alone, they have to take turns like people who do a night watch. Ifyou look at these conditions, we will face students who have never studied at home, sleeping in the classroom when learning because of lack of sleep, appeared character of thuggery because ofthe family economic problems and harsh environment.Teachers are very hard to think about howto provide the best education for the students who could be his child even less he noticed for thesake of his students.
Co-Authors Abdul Azis Abdurrahman, Muhammad Hanif Achmad Hidayatno Adian Fatchur Rochim Aditya Bakti Priahutama Affriani, Asri Ria Agung Warsito Ahmad Asmedi Ahmad Shafi Mukhaitir Ahmad Thoriq Al Achmad, Syah Jahan Al Komar, Ro'ad Baladi Amalia, Bevy Andreas Handojo Andrey Wicaksono, Andrey Andrian Kristianto Andrian, Juan Andrini, Raissa Fidela Angkasa, Syahreza S. Ariani, Nofi Risa Arif Ismail Arifudin Idrus Aris Triwiyatno Arrasyid, Riko Arsyahadij, Miftahuddin Aryati, Yosephine Vania Prima Asmara, Indrawati Yudha Asriyanti, Asriyanti Astian, Astian Aulia Rahman Aziza, Sitty Nur B Devina Puspasari bagja waluya, bagja Bambang Winardi Basuki, Akbari Indra Benggadinda, Annisa Budi Setiyono Cakranegara, Pandu Adi Chay Asdak Colin R Trainor Cuandra, Fendy Dani Garnida Darjat Darjat Darsiharjo Dasiharjo Dede Rohmat Dede Sugandi Denis Denis Dian Agista Dian Masita Dewi Dianto, Ryan Dista Yoel Tadeus Dwi Lesmana Dzakwan, Muhammad Irfan Eddy Jajang Jaya Atmadja Endang Sujana Ernowo Ernowo Fadlin Idrus Fajar Wisnu Aribowo Fariz, Fiqih Anugerah Fatmawati, Suci Muslikah Feti Fahmimroah, Feti Fifi Swandari Fitri Rahmafitria, Fitri Franklin Franklin Friska, Yuliana Gayatri, Maria Habibnur, Yoshua Hafiez Sofyani Handoko, Bagus Imran Saptadji Hanna Goenawan Hanny Hafiar Hariri, Azka Haris Faulidi Asnawi Harsono Harsono Hastuti - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta, Diah Dwi Hendri Donnel Hengky Leon Hepi Hapsari Hermawan Hermawan Heru, Mochammad Hesinto, Sebri Hill Gendoet Hartono Himayah, Shafira Horng, Shi Jinn Imura, Takumi Irkham, Irkham Ismawati, Heny Isnan Fauzan Akrom Iwan, Cecep Darul Iza, Nurlaely Rohmatul Jusagemal Aria EL Justinus Andjarwirawan Keith Martin Khoiriyah, Nisa Koesputra, Mohammad Fadhil Kukuh Priyangga Laras Dwi Kawuri Lies Sulistyowati Lili Somantri M Charlotte Benstead Maria Teodora Ping, Maria Teodora marthani, marthani Martina Nainggolan Mochammad Facta Moetamar Moetamar Moh. Dede Muhammad Arief Nugroho Muhammad Fairuz Luthfa Muhammad Fathul Faris Muhammad Riyadi Muhammad Supono Kurniawan Mulia, Vania Katherine Munawar Agus Riyadi Muryanti, Laely Muttaqin, Syaoqi Nova Sylviana Novena Yety Lindawati, Novena Yety Nugraha, Diva Nugroho, Agung Nur Syamsiyah Nurlaela, Lisda Ohba, Tsukasa Phil J Benstead Pradana, Byan Bagas Pradana, Muhammad Ivan Prasetya, Agysta Rama Prasetyo, Heri Prasetyo, Wibowo Budi Prestian Rindho S. Purwanto, Aji Puspitasari, Mardiana Dwi Raf Drijvers Rahmadhony, Aditya Rahmawati, Desi Ana Rano Gusman Namara Ray, Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ricky Ricky Rina Nuryati, Rina Rizky Mulya Sampurno Ronny Lesmana Roron Wicaksono Hadi Rosana, Mega Rosiyadi, Didi Safitri, Romadona Ayu Sandjojo, Ferry Aditya Saptaji, Kushendarsyah Saputra, Eko Wirahadi Saryanti, Dwi Saryanti, Dwi Saryati, Dwi SATRIYAS ILYAS Setiyawidi Setiyawidi, Setiyawidi Shalahuddin, Muhammad Nadzir Shofiyani, Deti Sigit Purwanto Silalahi, Indra Pribady Sudantoko, Eri Sudjadi Sudjadi Suhartini Suhartini Sukmandaru Prihatmoko Sulistomo, Pinandito Sulistyani Sulistyani Sumardi . Suroso, Segal Mancini Surya Wisnurahutama Susatyo Handoko Taniady, Vicky Tejo Sukmadi Teuku Winnetou Thoyyibah, Ita Tri Bagus Susilo Trias Andromeda Trisna Insan Noor, Trisna Insan Unang Supratman Vita Murniati Tarawan Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyuni, Lies Wanjat Kastolani Widianingrum, Sinta Widjadtuti, Tuti Windarta, Agung Wiwin Tanwiriah Yohana F. Cahya Palupi Meilani Yuli Christyono Yuni Susanti Pratiwi, Yuni Susanti Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang Zabib Bashori Zaid, Ahmad Zulhar, Fachrian